Sunday, December 5, 2010

Problems of planet

Our world has many problems to be decided. Environmental  problem is most dangerous problem today It was the industrial revolution and overpopulation of humans that was the cause of the environmental problems that we have today.
Global Warming is the biggest  problem in today’s society. Global warming is a result of human activities burning fossil fuels, and emitting excessive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.   Ulaanbaatar  is the most contributing city to this problem, so we should be the first to try and solve it.   The facts  that influencing to the harm of animals to thousands of people losing their homes to the rising oceans.   Polar bears are starting to drown because the icebergs are melting, and the polar bears are falling off the icebergs trying to get on them because they’re too small.    If everyone could do one thing to change the way we live for our environment, it would help dramitacally.
Air pollution causes a number of health and ecological problems.   It causes health problems like cancer and asthma.   It also causes the depletion of the ozone layer which results in global warming and melting of the ice caps.   One main reason for the problem of global warming is the burning of
fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gases. We use these fuels
to run factories, power plants, cars, trucks and buses. There have been many ways to stopping air pollution. Solar Energy   is the best  solution to this problem.   This type of energy is good because it is an alternative energy source to coal and other polluting fossil
fuels.   The problem with solar energy is that it is extremely expensive, but it has been used extensively throughout the world. One of the more effective ways of reducing air pollution is the making of electric cars.   The use of these   electric cars would completely reduce the amount of pollution in the air caused by gasoline powered cars. These cars are run on batteries instead of gasoline or other fuel.
   Another big problem is water pollution. Everyone knows that to survive you need water. What everyone does not know is that what is being put into the water that we drink, that we swim in, and the water that we use for everyday activities has made it unsafe for everything that needs it to survive, plants, animals, and even humans.   Our planet and everything in to can not survive without water. Many states have water that is very unsafe to drink and has made a lot of people very sick. Without water plants will die, animals will die and so will people. these toxins enter into our water supply they create nitrite and nitrate. High levels of these can deplete our water of oxygen, killing the fish and all other aquatic animals. Nitrates as well as other toxins can also soak into the ground and end up in our drinking water resulting in illness or even death. . The best solution to this problem is to create an environmental friendly fertilizer.
It is time to pay attention on environmental problem.  If we take action on these problems earlier, we can save our planet so every person need to care about it.

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