Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Unit 12

                                                 Exercise 7
The vikings are Scandinivian warriors from Denmark,Norway and Sweden.These tall,fair haired people colonised many parts of Europe between the 9th and 11th centuries. They were good sailors who travelled in
long wooden canoes with many oars and rectangular sails. Erik the Red was one of the most famous Vikings.
He discovered Greenland and set up a colony there in 982 AD. Leif Erikson, his son, was the first European
to set foot on the North American continent.
                                             Exercise 10
The remains of Viking ship was found last week.The wreck! by experts to see if it can ! to the surface.if it !
to be in good condition attempts to raise it would make next week. Afterwards,it ! so that it can ! in local
Viking museum . Other Viking remains had discovered in this area recently.
                                              Exercise 11
  1. An expedition is being prepared by John Mills
  2. The expedition will be filmed by many Many TV networks
  3. The expedition are going to be showed by them on national TV
  4. All the necessary equipment has been already bought
  5. An observation camp is going to be set up by him there
  6. The objections to this expedition have been raised by many people                                             Exercise 13
  1. America was discovered by Columbus
  2. The light bulb invented by Edison
  3. Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare
  4. Radium was discovered by Curie
  5. The Mono Lisa was painted by da Vinchi
  6. The telephone was invented by Bell

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